Welcome to DreamChallenge

Having a dream to share my knitting creations, cooking adventures and caregiving stories with others is now a reality. I bet you know someone right now who is at home taking care of someone they love. A phone call, e-mail, note card or some food would all be appreciated. Sometimes an offer to stand in for that person is a wonderful gift. Think about getting a hair cut, what if there is no time or person to sit with your loved one? What can you do to help someone else, or if you are that caregiver, how can you get people to understand you would like to see them or have their help? Knitting helps me stay calm. Knitting helps my blood pressure stay normal. What helps you? Cooking is an adventure for me. My husband is a dedicated 'clean-up' person. Join us on this part of our life's journey.

Choosing to send out cards is one way I stay in touch with others. I address cards on Sunday and my husband puts them in the mail on Monday. There is always someone who needs a card.

After several months of blogging there is a reality that lots of people really enjoy this activity. Positively delightful people, living life to the best of their ability. There is such fun in hearing from others who have ideas, stories, crafts all to share with those who choose to read. Thank you my new friends in this unknown world/way of communicating.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Every (almost) spare minute reading blogs.

Thank you Karen for this wonderful opportunity to share time and our creative spaces with people all over the world.  Since I spend most of Saturday and Sunday reading blogs, decided better take care of the garden and a few things around the house.  Put stew meat, potatoes, onions and tomatoes in the crock pot and went out to the garden. 

Wait, what is that???Right, two beautiful pea blossoms.  They have not given up with all this heat.  So, of course, I did not pick all the vines. 
ohen I saw all the beautiful kale and ask my Bob, husband,to please pick all he could, so he did.  A whole sink full of kale ready to wash, strip and steam.  Ready for the freezer.  Yes, it is finished. 
Do you ever put kale in your
brown beans?  Well I like it that way. 

My friend, Vicki, who is also sharing her awsome Yarn Room Creative Space http://vicki-2bagsfull.blogspot.com/2010/06/sacred-yarn-room-my-creative-space.html  told me I was NEVER to cook brown beans again.  LOL  It seems that Italians just do not understand that tomato paste does not go in everything and the beans were, well shall we say, awful.  I took them out of the crock pot, put them on the stove with onion, salt and pepper and cooked them another hour.  We ate them and Bob said they were good, but we both know, next time Mrs. Vicki will be cooking our beans.

Sure hope each and every one of you are as happy as I am with finding new friends.  Please come again, Jan


  1. LOL!!! This is so funny Jan dear! Yes - I will make you a pot of beans upon your return from the beach!


  2. Oh, isn't Vicki's sacred yarn room just fabuloso! And yes yes yes I love finding new friends...connection of the human spirit. Hubby planted a summer garden this year, however, the sugar peas have stir fried in our desert sun!
    **blows kisses** Deb
